Support your students at home
with AI-generated review sessions

Support your students
at home
with AI-generated
review sessions

Support your students
at home

review sessions

Fuse is the AI learning buddy for K12 students

Fuse is the AI learning buddy for K12 students

Fuse is the
AI teaching assistant for
K12 students & teachers

Join other schools

Join other schools

Delegate lesson review homework

Delegate lesson review homework

Revisit key topics explored in class in daily 5 minute conversations.

Give instant feedback to students.

Support your students 

outside the classroom

Support your students 

outside the classroom

Give your students a learning buddy to help them in a Socratic manner.

Know where your students are struggling

Know where your students are struggling

Provide teachers with automated assessment feedback about individual student progress.

The latest technology for learning
The latest technology for learning




Automation rate

Automation rate

Automation rate

Learning subjects

Learning subjects

Learning subjects





Real stories.
Don’t take our word for it.

Real stories.
Don’t take our word for it.

Real stories.
Don’t take our word for it.

"We struggled to find ways to bring added value to our students, beyond matching them with the right tutor. Fuse helped increase student retention and improve our margins."

Sarah Johnson

Product Owner at an online tutoring platform

"We struggled to find ways to bring added value to our students, beyond matching them with the right tutor. Fuse helped increase student retention and improve our margins."

Sarah Johnson

Product Owner at an online tutoring platform

"We struggled to find ways to bring added value to our students, beyond matching them with the right tutor. Fuse helped increase student retention and improve our margins."

Sarah Johnson

Product Owner at an online tutoring platform

As a fast-growing tutoring school, we needed a strong differenciator to better help our students in an efficient way. This AI tool exceeded our expectations."

Luke Branson

Director at a Tutoring school

As a fast-growing tutoring school, we needed a strong differenciator to better help our students in an efficient way. This AI tool exceeded our expectations."

Luke Branson

Director at a Tutoring school

As a fast-growing tutoring school, we needed a strong differenciator to better help our students in an efficient way. This AI tool exceeded our expectations."

Luke Branson

Director at a Tutoring school

"The platform's emphasis on teachers impressed me, helping me have more impact on my students progress."

Majin Bu

Teacher @ Private Highschool

"The platform's emphasis on teachers impressed me, helping me have more impact on my students progress."

Majin Bu

Teacher @ Private Highschool

"The platform's emphasis on teachers impressed me, helping me have more impact on my students progress."

Majin Bu

Teacher @ Private Highschool

All rights reserved Fuse AI LTD - Copyright© 2023

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All rights reserved Fuse AI LTD - Copyright© 2023

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All rights reserved Fuse AI LTD - Copyright© 2023

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